Tuesday, March 20, 2012


March 20  7:09 a.m.  I don't know if that's the official start time of spring, but it's when mine started today. That's when I was drinking coffee, checking my e-mail when I looked up and saw it:
a purple-y pink sunrise coming up over a fog-covered, glassy river.  I had to go out there. I hadn't eaten yet, but there was no time for breakfast.  I grabbed a handful of almonds, changed clothes and headed out the door.  My paddle and life jacket were right where I'd left them.

My adventure companion, Seemore, was ready and waiting.  Seemore is my kayak and we've traveled this river together many times.  I was rewarded for this early morning venture with scenes of spiraling fog columns lifting off in the distance, warm, fresh air on my face and the wonderful sounds of birds singing their morning songs.

What made this morning jaunt even more special is the fact that this is Minnesota.  We're usually walking around on a foot of snow this time of year!  I love my snow, but I'll take this kind of day anytime!

So, happy spring.  I hope you take a moment to look around, breath in the fresh air and savor the moment.

Friday, March 9, 2012

the carved bird, continued...

Just an update on the little bird I carved after a frustrating day working on my website:
It sat on my work desk for a while and then it became the inspiration for a box that I gave to my young friend Emily on the occasion of her upcoming wedding. 
I can't really believe Emily is getting married because in my mind she's still about 10 years old and we're dragging her along with her brothers and my daughter, under protest, down some cross country ski trails, or camping out making crafts on a beach, or having the kids eat their "hobo" dinners by moonlight--so they can't see how charred they are...wow, time DOES march on!
So, Emily, here's wishing you a happy, happy married life. Listen, think before you speak and laugh a lot.

Monday, March 5, 2012

El Mismo Sol art Dresses website!!

FINALLY!  After dragging my feet for a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time, I have  a website for my dress line.  I'd love it if you took a look!  IF you have questions, you can request info from the site.  Thanks!